The Daily Blueprint
for 4/27/10
Put It Aside
2nd Peter 1:6
Learn to put aside your own desires so that you will become patient and godly, gladly letting God have His way with you.
The most unselfish thing ever done was Jesus dying on the cross for our sins - in that one moment Christ our Lord laid it all down and then said it was finished - Jesus cared for those who killed Him - He cared for the two dying with Him that day - He cared for His Mom - His brothers and sisters - He cared for you and me - from the cross He endured so much for our sakes - He is the example for us to follow of what it really means to lay our lives down for our friends - except in His case - He laid down His life for those who were not His friends - they will separated from HIS Father by their sins - we are in the same boat where it not for Christ coming and dying for us! Jesus lived a perfect life but yet became sin for us - He never sinned - never disobeyed His Father - never lied - cheated or stole! JESUS was perfect and HE laid HIS Life down!
In the same way we are also to lay our lives down for those around us - We are to daily die to self - we are daily to give our lives away helping others - loving them - and showing them Jesus - it's easy to type these words - much harder to live them - I have begun to come out and be honest - and admit how I have failed to live up to what I have written - but in God's power I will happen - I will die to self - I will lay it down - I will put it down just as soon as I remove the I - see it's hard to even write without putting that one letter word in the equation - just sitting here typing God showed that to me - If we want to put it aside we have to put our lives in Jesus capable hands - we must be willing to die to self - we must be willing to leave what we want behind and serve our Living & Loving Savior! We are concern ourselves with the needs of others - we will find that God can use us in a mighty way - helping others is not always easy - but it's what we have been called to do - plug in where God places you - Grow where you are planted - and put it all aside for God's glory - it's not to be about us - but all about HIM - I am praying that God opens your eyes today to just what HE wants you to do with the life HE has given you - let's get I and me and us out of the way - just ask JESUS and HE will do it - crucify this flesh - it's time beloved!
Word to the wise:When following CHRIST its best to die and let HIM live in you!
BECAUSE OF CHRIST when we die we live again!
We have but one life here to live -
Live it for the ONE who died for you!
The Daily Blueprint
for 4/26/10
Find The Rest
Jeremiah 6:16b
You will find rest for your souls!
Do you want to find rest?
It seems in the day and age in which we live in - few people get enough rest -few Bible believing God Fearing Jesus loving people spend enough time resting at Jesus' feet -
This includes those of us who do daily devotionals online - I cannot count how many times I have rushed to my keyboard to just type it out - leaving only to find I didn't spend that much time with God - now what I don't want to do is get legalistic and make my relationship with Christ a by rules thing - and I don't want to get to the point of measuring how much time I spend with and how much time I don't spend with God - that could get to be splitting hairs - I say all this to say - that we need rest - we need real honest to goodness rest - rest for our souls - they do get weiry - this world can throw a lot at us - on many levels we are all worn out - we have too much - we do too much - we watch too much -eat too much - spend too much - and yet we rest little!
We must find rest for our souls - and where we look does matter - we must look for this rest in no other place but GOD alone - I have to admit I have been woundering a round a little these days - and what I am finding is that there is no one like JESUS - the world who claims to want us - cannot care for us like our Savior - no one else can do to us what JESUS can do to us - HE can take our broken heart and make it brand new - He can take our sins away never to return! HE can change the course of our lives -
but do this we need HIM and in HIM we find our rest - and without rest we become brittle and dry up - we become lifeless - make sure the life in you is not your own!
The life we live by faith must in lived out in CHRIST!
Tired? Has it been a busy day? Do you catch yourself coming and going?
Well go to CHRIST now and lay it all down -
may we contiune to follow our LORD where ever and when ever He leads us -
and we will find rest - real lasting much needed rest!
Word to the wise:If you are lonely, lost and confused - reach out to JESUS
BECAUSE OF CHRIST we find rest!!
for 4/26/10
Find The Rest
Jeremiah 6:16b
You will find rest for your souls!
Do you want to find rest?
It seems in the day and age in which we live in - few people get enough rest -few Bible believing God Fearing Jesus loving people spend enough time resting at Jesus' feet -
This includes those of us who do daily devotionals online - I cannot count how many times I have rushed to my keyboard to just type it out - leaving only to find I didn't spend that much time with God - now what I don't want to do is get legalistic and make my relationship with Christ a by rules thing - and I don't want to get to the point of measuring how much time I spend with and how much time I don't spend with God - that could get to be splitting hairs - I say all this to say - that we need rest - we need real honest to goodness rest - rest for our souls - they do get weiry - this world can throw a lot at us - on many levels we are all worn out - we have too much - we do too much - we watch too much -eat too much - spend too much - and yet we rest little!
We must find rest for our souls - and where we look does matter - we must look for this rest in no other place but GOD alone - I have to admit I have been woundering a round a little these days - and what I am finding is that there is no one like JESUS - the world who claims to want us - cannot care for us like our Savior - no one else can do to us what JESUS can do to us - HE can take our broken heart and make it brand new - He can take our sins away never to return! HE can change the course of our lives -
but do this we need HIM and in HIM we find our rest - and without rest we become brittle and dry up - we become lifeless - make sure the life in you is not your own!
The life we live by faith must in lived out in CHRIST!
Tired? Has it been a busy day? Do you catch yourself coming and going?
Well go to CHRIST now and lay it all down -
may we contiune to follow our LORD where ever and when ever He leads us -
and we will find rest - real lasting much needed rest!
Word to the wise:If you are lonely, lost and confused - reach out to JESUS
BECAUSE OF CHRIST we find rest!!
The Daily Blueprint
for 4/6/10
When HE died
Romans 5:8
God demonstrates HIS own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners CHRIST died for us!
Life is not easy - to some this is an understatement - many in my circle of life are suffering - some have been healed - some rejoice - but many I am afraid have allowed this world to let them down - the cirumstances of life cause them to become down cast - sadly I am fitting into the group lately - it's been a season of questioning - but in the midst of that - JESUS is still LORD! The good news is we don't have to get it right - we just need to know CHRIST! The good news is GOD sent HIS SON not when we were cleaned off - not when we were wroth saving - HE saved us in our current condition - HE came knowing full well all the sins we would commit - HE came knowing that at times we would deny Him - turn against Him and run the other way -
the WORD says that while we were yet sinners - When we were our most far away from God - HE Sent HIS SON - remarkable - it's been a tough life lately - but this does not dimish how good GOD is - HE IS GOOD - HE KNOWS WHAT'S BEST!
HE DIED WHEN WE REJECTED HIM - we were in the crowd - we were in those who drove the nails - our sins put JESUS there - HE became sin for oursakes and took on God's wrath HIMSELF - all while we were lost in our sins - not when we got right with HIM - not when we came to HIM - HE did this because of HIS great love for us!
When HE died - it was for you and for me - when HE died it was to end once and for all - all the questions of who JESUS was - When HE rose from the dead -
those questions were answered - and the answer is JESUS is GOD!
In today's world that seems far-fetched - in the world of today it's become popular to reject God - it's become popular to deny who CHRIST really is - despite this JESUS still died for us - it could be said all our sins brought HIM here to die - but HE never turned back - but followed HIS FATHER to the CROSS and Beyound -
Remember the redeemson story is all about the SON!
Word to the wise: I am so thankful JESUS died for us -
That HE came when HE Did - and endured the CROSS to save us!
" IT IS FINISHED!!!" amen!
BECAUSE OF CHRIST we can face tomorrow without guilt!
for 4/6/10
When HE died
Romans 5:8
God demonstrates HIS own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners CHRIST died for us!
Life is not easy - to some this is an understatement - many in my circle of life are suffering - some have been healed - some rejoice - but many I am afraid have allowed this world to let them down - the cirumstances of life cause them to become down cast - sadly I am fitting into the group lately - it's been a season of questioning - but in the midst of that - JESUS is still LORD! The good news is we don't have to get it right - we just need to know CHRIST! The good news is GOD sent HIS SON not when we were cleaned off - not when we were wroth saving - HE saved us in our current condition - HE came knowing full well all the sins we would commit - HE came knowing that at times we would deny Him - turn against Him and run the other way -
the WORD says that while we were yet sinners - When we were our most far away from God - HE Sent HIS SON - remarkable - it's been a tough life lately - but this does not dimish how good GOD is - HE IS GOOD - HE KNOWS WHAT'S BEST!
HE DIED WHEN WE REJECTED HIM - we were in the crowd - we were in those who drove the nails - our sins put JESUS there - HE became sin for oursakes and took on God's wrath HIMSELF - all while we were lost in our sins - not when we got right with HIM - not when we came to HIM - HE did this because of HIS great love for us!
When HE died - it was for you and for me - when HE died it was to end once and for all - all the questions of who JESUS was - When HE rose from the dead -
those questions were answered - and the answer is JESUS is GOD!
In today's world that seems far-fetched - in the world of today it's become popular to reject God - it's become popular to deny who CHRIST really is - despite this JESUS still died for us - it could be said all our sins brought HIM here to die - but HE never turned back - but followed HIS FATHER to the CROSS and Beyound -
Remember the redeemson story is all about the SON!
Word to the wise: I am so thankful JESUS died for us -
That HE came when HE Did - and endured the CROSS to save us!
" IT IS FINISHED!!!" amen!
BECAUSE OF CHRIST we can face tomorrow without guilt!
The Daily Blueprint
for 4/5/10
LUKE 24:44
And HE said unto them, These are My words which I spoke unto you, while I was yet with you , that all these things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning Me!
Today is the first day of the rest of our lives-
the pinnacle of our faith was remembered yesterday - let's stop and pause a moment to remember what took place - Jesus the perfect Son of God - came to this world as a baby - He grew into a man - and His whole life He never sinned - He called 12 men to follow Him for three years - then HE died for our sins - put in the tomb and rose again the third day! All for us He did this - He fullfilled what was written about Himself 100 of years before He was even on this planet - remarkable - but not for God!
We are to now move on in our lives with this promise that when our lives are over - what JESUS did for us - will bring us into HIS Kingdom forever - He paid for it in His blood - never let the enemy make you doubt this - it is all we have - it's all we need -
Jesus fulfilled all that was ask of Him by God - He did exactly what HE was called to do - He got it done! He died for our sins - the sinless for the sinfull - He came from Heaven on a rescue misson to save us - His mission is now complete - and is repeated every time someone comes to Christ and takes HIM as their Savior -
What JESUS did for us is priceless - in this we have hope!
Hope is what we need today - many are living empty lives without meaning - many are throwing away their lives - the life God gave them - many are living it up now - only to lose their very souls - Let JESUS fulfill in you what HE did through His Life - Death and Resurection - JESUS LIVES and we now live as well -
there is no life outside of Christ - no life worth living - CHRIST is to be our all in our -
HE is the only way to the Father - HE is our only hope -
so if you are feeling hopeless today - empty - without hope -
turn to the ONE who has given HIS very life to bring us life!
The very ONE who laid HIS life down - the very ONE who
loves us in a way we cannot understand - Go to HIM today-
and leave behind the empty lives - and be fulfilled!
Word to the wise: If you feel hopeless - maybe you don't have the ONE who brings us hope! Really seek HIM - do you know HIM? Is HE In your mind but not your heart? Ask HIM!
BECAUSE OF CHRIST we live & we don't die!
for 4/5/10
LUKE 24:44
And HE said unto them, These are My words which I spoke unto you, while I was yet with you , that all these things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning Me!
Today is the first day of the rest of our lives-
the pinnacle of our faith was remembered yesterday - let's stop and pause a moment to remember what took place - Jesus the perfect Son of God - came to this world as a baby - He grew into a man - and His whole life He never sinned - He called 12 men to follow Him for three years - then HE died for our sins - put in the tomb and rose again the third day! All for us He did this - He fullfilled what was written about Himself 100 of years before He was even on this planet - remarkable - but not for God!
We are to now move on in our lives with this promise that when our lives are over - what JESUS did for us - will bring us into HIS Kingdom forever - He paid for it in His blood - never let the enemy make you doubt this - it is all we have - it's all we need -
Jesus fulfilled all that was ask of Him by God - He did exactly what HE was called to do - He got it done! He died for our sins - the sinless for the sinfull - He came from Heaven on a rescue misson to save us - His mission is now complete - and is repeated every time someone comes to Christ and takes HIM as their Savior -
What JESUS did for us is priceless - in this we have hope!
Hope is what we need today - many are living empty lives without meaning - many are throwing away their lives - the life God gave them - many are living it up now - only to lose their very souls - Let JESUS fulfill in you what HE did through His Life - Death and Resurection - JESUS LIVES and we now live as well -
there is no life outside of Christ - no life worth living - CHRIST is to be our all in our -
HE is the only way to the Father - HE is our only hope -
so if you are feeling hopeless today - empty - without hope -
turn to the ONE who has given HIS very life to bring us life!
The very ONE who laid HIS life down - the very ONE who
loves us in a way we cannot understand - Go to HIM today-
and leave behind the empty lives - and be fulfilled!
Word to the wise: If you feel hopeless - maybe you don't have the ONE who brings us hope! Really seek HIM - do you know HIM? Is HE In your mind but not your heart? Ask HIM!
BECAUSE OF CHRIST we live & we don't die!
The Daily Blueprint
for 4/2/10
The Walk of Jesus : Holy Week 2010
• The Cross - GOOD FRIDAY
Luke 23:33-34a
And when they had come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified Him and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left..Then JESUS said" FATHER forgive them for they know not what they do!"
It all lead up to this place - Gogotha - or the place of the skull - also called the place of death - the hill we know as Calvary - this was God's goal for His Son - to die for the sins of man-
Jesus came to this world willingly
- He endured the trial without even speaking one word - He held His peace like no one before Him or after Him would!
Jesus willingly endured this for us - He paid the price in full for our sins- "It's finished" was one cry for the cross - another cry was "Father forgive them for they know not what they do!" Imagine Jesus in dire pain - suffering - and still worried about those who did it to Him - He asked God to forgive them - remarkable - Jesus did all this because He deemed us worth saving - The Romans came up with this ugly execution designed for maximum suffering - and to stand as a sign for anyone else who dared crossed the Government or Religious leaders - This involved nailing the victim down to two wooden boards - nailed together - in which they hung for hours or even days -
Jesus knew what He was going to endure for us -
He knew all the suffering, and all the pain He would suffer - but He didn't turn back - in the face of such pain - He stayed the course - He did what was needed for you and for me -
The cost of the cross was great - JESUS the LORD endured it for you and for me - He breathed HIS Last and died - but before He did - He said - "It Is Finished" another words - Nothing is left to pay - what JESUS came to accomplish - He did - He did it all for you and for me! The Cross was the final deed that was needed - the Cross is where our sins were placed on JESUS - if you don't have a personal relationship with CHRIST - why not take this GOOD FRIDAY and give your life to HIM - why not allow HIM to change you - He will cover your sin - your old nasty dirty sin - HE has nailed it to the cross - Surrender and repent today and make it a Good Friday!
Follow JESUS from the cross to the grave -
Soon the Son of God will be buried in a borrowed tomb -- all hope seemed lost -- join me tomorrow as we talk about the grave of JESUS our LORD - thankfully He stayed in there only three days!!!!!!
JESUS Endured the cross for you and for me -
HE took our sins -- our sickness -- and allowed the nails to pierce His hands and feet - Death was the goal - but it was not the end of the story- stay tuned for Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday!
Coming Tomorrow -
Holy Saturday -
• The Grave & Livin In Prayer!
Coming Easter Sunday -
• The Resurrection!!!!!
Stay tuned!
JESUS Suffered and died - HE paid the price - His blood was poured out for our sins - Our sins put HIM there- but HIS love for us kept HIM there - let it be known that JESUS could have come down from the cross and 10,000 angels could have rescued HIM but we would all have been lost - JESUS said NO! And HE laid down HIS Life for us!!! Amen! Praise GOD!
l scripture from the King James Version of the Bible (c) 1976 (Thomas Nelson, INC.) Nashville,Tn
If you would like to receive this daily devotional each day
please email me at INTHEWORD2004@AOL.COM
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please email me at INTHEWORD2004@AOL.COM
and you will not receive it again.. Thanks & God bless you!
GOD'S Word is the blueprint for a life lived for CHRIST
for 4/2/10
The Walk of Jesus : Holy Week 2010
• The Cross - GOOD FRIDAY
Luke 23:33-34a
And when they had come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified Him and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left..Then JESUS said" FATHER forgive them for they know not what they do!"
It all lead up to this place - Gogotha - or the place of the skull - also called the place of death - the hill we know as Calvary - this was God's goal for His Son - to die for the sins of man-
Jesus came to this world willingly
- He endured the trial without even speaking one word - He held His peace like no one before Him or after Him would!
Jesus willingly endured this for us - He paid the price in full for our sins- "It's finished" was one cry for the cross - another cry was "Father forgive them for they know not what they do!" Imagine Jesus in dire pain - suffering - and still worried about those who did it to Him - He asked God to forgive them - remarkable - Jesus did all this because He deemed us worth saving - The Romans came up with this ugly execution designed for maximum suffering - and to stand as a sign for anyone else who dared crossed the Government or Religious leaders - This involved nailing the victim down to two wooden boards - nailed together - in which they hung for hours or even days -
Jesus knew what He was going to endure for us -
He knew all the suffering, and all the pain He would suffer - but He didn't turn back - in the face of such pain - He stayed the course - He did what was needed for you and for me -
The cost of the cross was great - JESUS the LORD endured it for you and for me - He breathed HIS Last and died - but before He did - He said - "It Is Finished" another words - Nothing is left to pay - what JESUS came to accomplish - He did - He did it all for you and for me! The Cross was the final deed that was needed - the Cross is where our sins were placed on JESUS - if you don't have a personal relationship with CHRIST - why not take this GOOD FRIDAY and give your life to HIM - why not allow HIM to change you - He will cover your sin - your old nasty dirty sin - HE has nailed it to the cross - Surrender and repent today and make it a Good Friday!
Follow JESUS from the cross to the grave -
Soon the Son of God will be buried in a borrowed tomb -- all hope seemed lost -- join me tomorrow as we talk about the grave of JESUS our LORD - thankfully He stayed in there only three days!!!!!!
JESUS Endured the cross for you and for me -
HE took our sins -- our sickness -- and allowed the nails to pierce His hands and feet - Death was the goal - but it was not the end of the story- stay tuned for Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday!
Coming Tomorrow -
Holy Saturday -
• The Grave & Livin In Prayer!
Coming Easter Sunday -
• The Resurrection!!!!!
Stay tuned!
JESUS Suffered and died - HE paid the price - His blood was poured out for our sins - Our sins put HIM there- but HIS love for us kept HIM there - let it be known that JESUS could have come down from the cross and 10,000 angels could have rescued HIM but we would all have been lost - JESUS said NO! And HE laid down HIS Life for us!!! Amen! Praise GOD!
l scripture from the King James Version of the Bible (c) 1976 (Thomas Nelson, INC.) Nashville,Tn
If you would like to receive this daily devotional each day
please email me at INTHEWORD2004@AOL.COM
If you have received this email and wish not to receive it again,
please email me at INTHEWORD2004@AOL.COM
and you will not receive it again.. Thanks & God bless you!
GOD'S Word is the blueprint for a life lived for CHRIST
The Daily Blueprint
for 4/4/10
The Walk of Jesus : Holy Week 2010
Matthew 28:6
HE IS NOT HERE! FOR HE IS RISEN, AS HE SAID. Come and see where the LORD laid....
The greatest words ever spoken - HE IS RISEN!
Friday was all about the darkness of our sin and the awesome grace of an awesome God - Saturday was about the tomb - Jesus was laid to rest and it seemed all hope was gone - then that early Morning - they found an empty tomb!
And because the TOMB was empty - our lives now are full!
HE IS NOT HERE - for our sakes HE died - for our sakes HE rose again - all for us! JESUS was slain to give to us life - HIS life - we should never forget that empty tomb - the stone has been rolled away - the SON though slain on FRIDAY is alive today - all HE spoke was true!
Let's not forgive we serve a living Savior - not one who is gone - but lives now in us! JESUS rose again - He put an explanation point on that - HE ROSE AGAIN! HE took the sting from death - Rejoice! Rejoice!
The Darkness of FRIDAY has given away to the light of EASTER - HE LIVES - HE LIVES - HE LIVES!
Happy Resurrection Day!!!!!!!
Luke 24:5 & 6
And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth they (the angels) said unto them, "Why seek you the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen!!!!
It's just like us to look in the wrong place - those seeking the body of JESUS didn't find HIS body alone - they found HIM!
The angels asked why seek the living among the dead?
Jesus endured the cross - but that was not the end -
for in three days HE would rise again-
Today is the day we celebrate what was done through the Son! Though He was murdered on Calvary - He rose again from the tomb and was seen by 500 witnesses -
Oh to see the Savior alive again - Oh to see HIS face-
why look for the living among the dead? Our Savior lives!
HE LIVES FOREVER! Rejoice dear family and friends - this is what it's all about - nothing else matters - just JESUS and what HE did for us - HE WON! WE WIN IN HIM!!!
No matter your circumstances today - rejoice in the risen LORD! For HE is no longer in the tomb, no longer on the cross but instead now lives in our hearts!!!!!!
Three Nails brought us the victory -
500 saw HIM
Never the same - Living not among the dead
Thanks family and friends for your support doing this very hard time in my life - today I rejoice with you-
all scripture from the King James Version of the Bible (c) 1976 (Thomas Nelson, INC.) Nashville,Tn
If you would like to receive this daily devotional each day
please email me at INTHEWORD2004@AOL.COM
If you have received this email and wish not to receive it again,
please email me at INTHEWORD2004@AOL.COM
and you will not receive it again.. Thanks & God bless you!
GOD'S Word is the blueprint for a life lived for CHRIST
for 4/4/10
The Walk of Jesus : Holy Week 2010
Matthew 28:6
HE IS NOT HERE! FOR HE IS RISEN, AS HE SAID. Come and see where the LORD laid....
The greatest words ever spoken - HE IS RISEN!
Friday was all about the darkness of our sin and the awesome grace of an awesome God - Saturday was about the tomb - Jesus was laid to rest and it seemed all hope was gone - then that early Morning - they found an empty tomb!
And because the TOMB was empty - our lives now are full!
HE IS NOT HERE - for our sakes HE died - for our sakes HE rose again - all for us! JESUS was slain to give to us life - HIS life - we should never forget that empty tomb - the stone has been rolled away - the SON though slain on FRIDAY is alive today - all HE spoke was true!
Let's not forgive we serve a living Savior - not one who is gone - but lives now in us! JESUS rose again - He put an explanation point on that - HE ROSE AGAIN! HE took the sting from death - Rejoice! Rejoice!
The Darkness of FRIDAY has given away to the light of EASTER - HE LIVES - HE LIVES - HE LIVES!
Happy Resurrection Day!!!!!!!
Luke 24:5 & 6
And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth they (the angels) said unto them, "Why seek you the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen!!!!
It's just like us to look in the wrong place - those seeking the body of JESUS didn't find HIS body alone - they found HIM!
The angels asked why seek the living among the dead?
Jesus endured the cross - but that was not the end -
for in three days HE would rise again-
Today is the day we celebrate what was done through the Son! Though He was murdered on Calvary - He rose again from the tomb and was seen by 500 witnesses -
Oh to see the Savior alive again - Oh to see HIS face-
why look for the living among the dead? Our Savior lives!
HE LIVES FOREVER! Rejoice dear family and friends - this is what it's all about - nothing else matters - just JESUS and what HE did for us - HE WON! WE WIN IN HIM!!!
No matter your circumstances today - rejoice in the risen LORD! For HE is no longer in the tomb, no longer on the cross but instead now lives in our hearts!!!!!!
Three Nails brought us the victory -
500 saw HIM
Never the same - Living not among the dead
Thanks family and friends for your support doing this very hard time in my life - today I rejoice with you-
all scripture from the King James Version of the Bible (c) 1976 (Thomas Nelson, INC.) Nashville,Tn
If you would like to receive this daily devotional each day
please email me at INTHEWORD2004@AOL.COM
If you have received this email and wish not to receive it again,
please email me at INTHEWORD2004@AOL.COM
and you will not receive it again.. Thanks & God bless you!
GOD'S Word is the blueprint for a life lived for CHRIST
The Daily Blueprint
for 4/3/10
The Walk of Jesus : Holy Week 2010• The Grave - Holy Saturday
Matthew 27:57-61
When the evening had come, there came a rich man of Arimathea named Joseph, who also himself was a Jesus' disciple: He went to Pilate and begged for the body of JESUS. Then Pilate commanded that the body be delivered. And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock; and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre and departed. And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre.
Joseph was a rich man - and also a follower of JESUS , he gave his new tomb to JESUS for he loved him - this was the least he could do he must have figured - Joseph placed a large rock at the door - and guards were placed there to be sure that Jesus' followers were not going to take His body away in the night - funny how they didn't count on the fact that JESUS would rise again just one day later -
Today we remember the grave - JESUS just breathed His last and Joseph had requested His body to burry it - I find it interesting that the two Marys are mentioned in this series of verses - it shows their great love for JESUS! Jesus was placed in a tomb - and was sealed in - no getting in or out for anyone but JESUS as you well know! Jesus went to the tomb having paid the price for our sins - having given to us salvation - having done all that was needed to save us! Jesus went to the tomb like we will go into our tombs - but unlike us - He would rise up again by His own power -proving once and for all that HE is KING of Kings and LORD of lords - HE would just spend three short days in this tomb - it must be noted that during this time the days began at sundown- not at dawn - our mind set is so much different then at this time -
Join me as we wait for JESUS to rise again - come Sunday all the horror of Friday will be behind HIM - HE will come out of the tomb - a tomb that was not even HIS - He would surpise about 500 people -and HiS followers will change the world-
Friday HE was on the cross - Saturday HE was in the grave -
Coming Easter Sunday -
• The Resurrection!!!!!
Stay tuned!
JESUS was placed in a borrowed tomb - even in death HE had no place to lay HIS head - this place had to be given to HIM -
JESUS left heaven - HE didn't use HIS power to avoid the cross - but endured it for us - today we remember that JESUS died - and was burried in a borrowed tomb -
THE KING OF KINGS in a tomb - you can still hear the gasp from the angels!
l scripture from the King James Version of the Bible (c) 1976 (Thomas Nelson, INC.)
The Prayer Ministry of Building On The Word Ministries
In CHRISTDaniel<><
The Daily Blueprint
for 3/31/10
The Walk of Jesus : Holy Week 2010• The Last Super - Wednesday
Luke 22:15 & 16
...and He said unto them: "With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer: for I say unto you, I will not any more eat of thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of GOD!"
Today we are visiting the last supper of JESUS and HIS followers - Jesus said that He desired to have dinner with them before He was to suffer - the suffering would come a few hours after this dinner - Jesus knew this was the last time He would eat until He returned from the dead - He knew His time was short - He had his 11 find a place to hold this Last Supper - they did as He told them and it was set - the date with destiny was set - Jesus would eat with them one more time until He rose again and met them on the shore to eat fish - right now Jesus was talking to His followers and having a heart to heart - His time was short - it was during this dinner that Judas - filled with hate and evil - went into the night to sell Jesus to the religous leaders - Jesus' friend and follower had turned away and did the unthinkable - Judas sealed the deal - Jesus would be on the cross soon -
Judas only cared for himself - in the end - he ended his own life - Jesus washed the feet of the 12 - but one left - this dinner was His last - until He rose again - those who remained after Judas left - would soon suffer as well -
thier Savior would be taken away - and be charged like a common crimial except without sin - this dinner was very important - it was the last time JESUS would eat with His followers like this - in the future things would be different -
Jesus was showing them what it means to follow God - it means laying down your life - and giving yourself to others -
Jesus knew the cross was coming - He knew the pain He would endure - and He deemed us worth it!
Jesus is walking closer and closer to the cross - it's just up the hill - after prayer in the garden and arrest - Jesus would be lifted up - JESUS would die for our sins - and rise again....
Let's remember this last supper and when we celebrate it - remember what JESUS did for us - His great sacrifice is enough - it's all we need -
Let's sit at the table and recieve what GOD has for us -
let's worship JESUS and LORD and SAVIOR - not just over Holy Week -but over our whole lives..
Tomorrow we go to the garden - the place Jesus was when they took Him away to die - let's walk the path from the donkey ride to the open grave!
JESUS loves us so much that He willingly laid down HIS life - no one could take it from HIM - He laid it down! That's love!
Coming Tomorrow -
• The Garden
Coming Good Friday -• The Cross
Coming Holy Saturday -• The Grave
Coming Easter Sunday -
• The Resurrection & Livin In Prayer!
Stay tuned!
JESUS knew the cost HE would pay at the Cross - and yet HE Did not turn back - let's not turn back on our faith - but follow even when the way is not clear - JESUS did this for us!!!!
The Daily Blueprint
for 3/30/10
The Walk of Jesus : Holy Week 2010• Final Instructions - Tuesday
John 17:26
Jesus speaking to the Father:
...and I have declared unto them Your name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith You have loved me may be in them ,and I in them....
Just moments before Jesus was going to be arrested - tried and found guilty of crimes (sins) He never commited - HE still had some teaching to do - some basic instructions before leaving Earth for His now 11 followers - that was to remember that while JESUS and the FATHER are one - we as HIS children should be one - these often bickering men often tried to see who was the greatest - were not being told that they must be one - it's all about putting our agenda aside for God's - this is a tough thing for us and it was tough for them - but Jesus asked of the Father for this to come to pass - in the midst of the looming cross - Jesus was more concerned for those left behind - it's all about Jesus putting His followers before Himself - He was willing to lay down HIS life for us - we don't deserve what JESUS did, in the story of Holy Week -we are heading toward the cross - it's in view now - soon they will come and capture Jesus by force -but before that we must go to the garden - the last place Jesus and the Disciples will be together as they have been - Jesus would soon suffer and die - and be burried - but right now - Jesus is still teaching - still showing those He loved what it means to be one - that's His goal - that we all be one - in unity - this does not mean that we must be like the world - it's not a compermise - it's all about God's kingdom coming before this world's kingdom - it's about Jesus willingly paying our sin debt off in HIS blood - today Jesus is walking toward the cross - His goal is coming to pass even today!
Let's follow Jesus to the garden - to the last supper - and to the cross itself - this journey takes us on a hard walk but it's good to look back and see Jesus as He did this for us!
Jesus asked the Father that we would be as close as Him and HIS Father - that's the kind of Love JESUS ask for - a love with no bounds - a love without limits - beloved - let's celebrate the fact that JESUS died for us - for our sins - and that He has covered all of them - there are none left - they have taken as far as the East is from the West - celebrate freedom today - remember JESUS and what HE said - get into HIS word - and let's follow....
The Daily Blueprint
for 3/12/10
A Good Name
Proverbs 21:1
A good name is rather to be chosen then great riches, and loving favor rather then silver and gold.
What's in a name - Shakespear said a rose by any other name would smell just a sweet - when we have children - we often try to come up with a good name for them -
today I want to tell you about an even better name - it's the name GOD has given us HIS children - and the name HE gave HIS SON is the greatest name of them all!
In biblical times - the names given often was a reflection of the childs personality -
another thing I heard about names is this - some cultures don't name their children until they reach a certain age so they can be sure that the child will live -
this is sad but true - many areas of the world have many children who die from disease and maulntition - pray for them - back to the devo - Today's verse talks about a name being better then great riches - this is the truth - When God calls your name and you respond - He gets praise - and you get to know Him - He knows your name -
and your name if you know Him will be written in the Lamb's book of life -
one day GOD will call your name and you will go home - much can be said about our names - often we have no idea what their meaning is - but in a funny twist - often our names stick to us - and we begin to fullfill what our name means - I know my name means God is my Judge - that means only HE can judge me - or anyone else for that matter - let's remember that GOD has given us a name - and that name is who we are -
First and foremost we are His children - second we are the children of our parents -
we have identy in Christ and in this world - but knowing Christ and walking with HIM Is most important - so past by worldly riches and still with a good name!
Word to the wise: Remember GOD knows your name!
BECAUSE OF CHRIST we have a good name, Christian!
for 3/12/10
A Good Name
Proverbs 21:1
A good name is rather to be chosen then great riches, and loving favor rather then silver and gold.
What's in a name - Shakespear said a rose by any other name would smell just a sweet - when we have children - we often try to come up with a good name for them -
today I want to tell you about an even better name - it's the name GOD has given us HIS children - and the name HE gave HIS SON is the greatest name of them all!
In biblical times - the names given often was a reflection of the childs personality -
another thing I heard about names is this - some cultures don't name their children until they reach a certain age so they can be sure that the child will live -
this is sad but true - many areas of the world have many children who die from disease and maulntition - pray for them - back to the devo - Today's verse talks about a name being better then great riches - this is the truth - When God calls your name and you respond - He gets praise - and you get to know Him - He knows your name -
and your name if you know Him will be written in the Lamb's book of life -
one day GOD will call your name and you will go home - much can be said about our names - often we have no idea what their meaning is - but in a funny twist - often our names stick to us - and we begin to fullfill what our name means - I know my name means God is my Judge - that means only HE can judge me - or anyone else for that matter - let's remember that GOD has given us a name - and that name is who we are -
First and foremost we are His children - second we are the children of our parents -
we have identy in Christ and in this world - but knowing Christ and walking with HIM Is most important - so past by worldly riches and still with a good name!
Word to the wise: Remember GOD knows your name!
BECAUSE OF CHRIST we have a good name, Christian!
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