


Called By Your Name

Daniel 9:19
O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive; O Lord, harken and do; defer not, for Your Own sake, O my God: for this city and Your people are called by Your Name!

When we begin a realtionship with God through Jesus Christ - we begin to notice some things - we begin to notice that not only did Christ save us - He has given us a new name - we are no longer on our own - no matter how lonely we may become - He has promised never to leave us - I have to admit those words give me comfort - but I also have to confess that lately it's been very hard to apply those words to my life - you see I have allowed fear and worry to consume me - I write this to confess it and get it out in the open - to admit I don't have all the answers and at times I fail - a fail big - it's easy to write about trusting God but actually doing it is harder - but it must be done - so join me in learning how to allow God to have control over our lives - often worry shows that we are not fully trusting Him - He has given us a new name - We are called God's children now - our sin debt - paid in full - our future - secure - our destiny settled - remember we are not our own - but we were brought with a price -
through the difficult circumstances I find my self in - Christ is showing me I belong to Him - the problem is in believing just that - that we belong to Him - we have been called by His name - we must live this life in such a way that always brings glory to God our Father -as these words from the prophet Daniel so well say - we have been called by His name - He has taken ownership of us - if that does not bring comfort to your soul - I don't know what will -
Remember - no matter what - He has called you by HIS name - you are HIS!

getting used to being called by HIS name ~ Daniel<><
Because we have CHRIST - we have a new name!
9.3.09 - Building on the WORD



The End Of The Law

Romans 10:4
For CHRIST is the end of the law for righteousness to every one who believes.

The Law has been called the schoolmaster that was put in place to lead us to Christ - That is what it is designed to do - God has a law and He expects it to be obeyed - in the garden - Adam and Eve didn't obey God and there was grave consequences - that must be paid - for the wages of sin is death - and sin is anything that is done that goes against what God desires - He gave His law to Moses and the people quickly disobeyed it - the same is true today - the laws of the land are ignored just as God's law is ignored - but before you think I am legalistic - I am not - JESUS is the end of the law - He came to fulfill it -
He lived the perfect life for you and me - for the WHOLE world! He alone could pay the price that was owed for disobeying God's Law - it's been paid for in full - in the Lamb's blood - let's not forget that the payment has been made over 2000 years ago on an old rugged cross - sometimes we get away from what really happened - Christ died for us - the Righteous for the sinful! The Holy for the diseased and sin filled - JESUS paid it all - HE is the end of the law - no more will the Law be our guide - instead once reborn from above, we follow Christ! Let's remember that the Law had a purpose - but now that JESUS has come - we are no longer made right by obedience - instead we are made right in the blood - the blood of the Lamb - we are the blood bought children - rejoice! Christ did what we could never do - be made right with God the Father!

Thanks for YOUR blood JESUS! ~ Daniel<><
The LAMB was slain for our sins - sins that kept us from God but now we have access to GOD through the blood of JESUS!
Because we have CHRIST - we have forgiveness of ALL our sins!
9.1.09 - Building on the WORD