

The Daily Blueprint / Tuesday / 6-10-08


1st CORINTHIANS 9:26-27
I therefore so run, not as uncertainty; so I fight, not as one who beats the air: But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

Paul offers words of warning to those who preach the gospel of Christ - those in such a position must be careful not to only preach the truth but to live the truth was well - if we spend all our time just telling others about Jesus and not working on our relationship with Him we may end up a castaway - I don't say this to say that we can lose what Jesus paid for - but to say that if we are not careful - we can neglect our relationship with Christ in our call to preach the gospel - that's one reason that lately when I feel God say to take a break - I take a break - I don't resist it like I used too - I know that He is always right and right on time - I don't want to be a castaway - one that tells others about Jesus but who is not close to Him - those of you who have not been called to preaching the Gospel - actually have to concentrate on this as well - because all of us whom Jesus saved have been called to minister to those around us - I will say that this can take many forms - some of you show Jesus by just loving others -by being the hands and feet of Jesus - others through the gift of song - still other's by building things for those in need -some its watching children so their parents can be feed by the Word- the point is to do what God asks you to do - and do it with all you have - but in the same way - work on your relationship with Christ just as hard - note its not us doing it - but us depending on the Holy Spirit that opens the door to God's purpose for our lives- now let go out and live it - loudly for HIS glory!

footnote: We are Christ on display everyday!
CHRIST Lives in us so He can live through us!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Livin in The Word will take a 2 week beginning on June 16th--the last week of this month (June 21-28) will be spent on a Mission Trip to Baja Mexico - pray for me and all the others who are going. Next Saturday's (June 14th) Livin in Prayer will be the last one until July5th.. Thanks! Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!

YOUR CHURCH SIGN RIGHT HERE:______________________________________
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 6/10/08 -


The Daily Blueprint / Monday / 6-9-08


2nd Chronicals 7:19-20
...But if you turn away, and forsake My statues, a& My commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods & worship them; Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of My land which I have given them: and this house which I have sanctified for My name, will I cast out of My sight, and will make it a proverb & a byword among all nations.

In today's passage God has some strong words about those who turn away from Him- those who leave their first love, Jesus Christ and follow after the other false gods of this world - God does not make it easy to get by with what we want to get by with - without having to answer to Him - but praise HIM that HE sent JESUS to save our souls -the point being is that apart from the shed Blood we would have no hope- we cannot on our own keep His commandments - Jesus did perfectly - never failed even once -praise HIS mighty name! These words where written before Christ came to save the lost - but these words still have meaning today - in the New Testament Jesus says over and over that if we love HIM we would obey Him and keep His commandments - do we really love JESUS enough to follow Him wherever He leads us - sometimes it will be the smooth roads that we follow Him down - but often times its the hard word - the rough roads - the back roads that He takes us down for His purpose - God wants us to follow Him not turn away from Him - because God knows we really have no where to go - the problem is we think we do - many have gone astray because they refuse to submit to God and obey - lets not be among those who praise God with our lips but deny Him with our actions!
Please don't turn away!

footnote: To every season -turn turn turn -
while the seasons change God never does-
so we need not turn away from HIM!
CHRIST holds us in HIS hands!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Livin in The Word will take a 2 week beginning on June 16th--the last week of this month (June 21-28) will be spent on a Mission Trip to Baja Mexico - pray for me and all the others who are going. Next Saturday's(June 14th) Livin in Prayer will be the last one until July5th.. Thanks! Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!

Learn from the mistakes of others so that you won't make the same mistake!
Huntsville, AL

Send in yours today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 6/56/08 -
He's Got The Whole World In His Hands -this includes you!
The Daily Blueprint / Thursday / 6-5-08


1st Corinthians 2:9
But as it is written, Eye has not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him.

You have heard the statement that God goes before us - what an awesome thought! God is already working all things our for His glory - He is in control and is never worried about what tomorrow will be like - He has already seen it - and He is preparing something for His children in advance -many people think those circumstances we fall into are out of God's control -but that's absurd! Some people feel that God has missed their circumstance -that if God were a loving God He would never had allowed (you can place your own example here: ________) - and yet He is in control -nothing that happens to us is an accident -sure God has given us a free will and He does not violate it - but still knows what the end result will be - He did not make us robots so we always have a choice to obey Him or disobey Him - with all that said - God is in the preparation business - He has a plan and He will complete it - we are all works in progress who need guidance from the Holy Spirit and through prayer as well as those God places in our lives- meeting the people you meet - working with those you work with - evening attending church with those you attend with is no accident -God has a plan that involves so much more then we can see - the only thing He ask of us is to believe Him and take Him at His word - He is making arrangements for our lives right now - He sees the end and knows the best way to get there - praise the GOD who is in complete and total control! We cannot fathom what God has planned for us!

footnote: Only GOD can see tomorrow!
CHRIST has brought us back from the dead!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Livin in Prayer is coming on Saturday-
Livin in The Word will take a 2 week beginning
on June 16th--the last week of this month (June 21-28) will be spent on a Mission Trip to Baja Mexico - pray for me and all the others who are going.
Next Saturday's(June 14th) Livin in Prayer will be the last one until July5th..
Thanks! Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
Send in yours today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 6/5/08 -


The Daily Blueprint / Wednesday / 6-4-08


ISAIAH 51:11
Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion: and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain galdness and joy; and sorrow and mouring shall flee away!

As a Christian -our lives should contain a certain amount of joy - now I am not saying that living life here on Earth is easy - but what I am saying is that with God we can and will make it though just fine- while joy is constant - happiness is not always so - and many get them mixed up - many times happiness depends on us -on what we want - while joy says no matter what - I will be gald..we must have this attuidue because life is hard -and just when you think its smooth sailing -something comes along and takes your feet out from under you -which is actually a good thing - because God can begin to work in our lives if we quit trying to stand on our own two feet wihtout His help - He wants us to be depant apon Him. He wants us to have real lasting joy - but Jesus warned His followers countless times that in this life we will have trouble - notice Jesus never said we may or might have troubles- He said it like it was -and went all the way and said we will have troubles - but God's focus was not so much on the trial itself but more on our reaction to the trial - many times we must go through the valley to get to the mountaintop- we cannot have one without the other - and since we know we are in for some trouble - its good to know that Jesus shares in our sufferings- HE knows what it is like to suffer -to be betrayed - He knows that we sometimes end up feeling the sorrow and the mourning that comes with the trials - as long as we live and breathe on this planet -we will have trouble - but praise God that in the end we get to go home and leave the sorrow and mourning behind - becuase we cannot dance for joy if we have feet stuck in the mud of depression - Sorrow and Mourning will one day flee! Praise GOD!

footnote: The problems of this world won't last forever!
CHRIST takes us through our trials not around them.
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for Karen R - she is still suffering from cancer - pray for her family -
her daughter. Samantha is to be married soon -thank you.
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
Send in yours today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 6/4/08 -


The Daily Blueprint / Tuesday / 6-3-08


Zechariah 10:1
Ask you of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain; so the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field.

In God's Mighty Word there are many places where we are told to ask to receive - Jesus Himself said many times we have not because we have asked not - God knows what we have need of even before we do - but He still wants us to ask Him - its like our parents - many times we just assume so much and don't take to ask for what we really need- many times we will subsitiute what we really need to what will be given us. In this Old Testament passage -we are told to ask of GOD who will provide showers on the grass of the field - our help is from God alone - He does provide many ways of help - I have learned through the trial I am facing -that God is faithful in that He has placed an incredible support group - He has placed people around me who love the Lord and show that love to me - Ask God and He will provide - He knows us better then anyone - He gives us what we need - so we need to worry if He will keep His promise to us - He cannot and will not lie, ever!
We can ask of God and He will provide what we need - we must see our complete dependence on Him at all times -many times the times of trial which are like the dry desert is actually what makes us long for the green pastures of God - many times when we are not in a trial - we fail to see that God has us in His hands - in much the same way when we feel like He is not really there holding us up - the truth be known that none of us would even be here if it were not for God. He ordained us to be right here right now - so ask God whatever you want - and He will do what is needed! Many times though His answers are much different then ours...but keep on asking any way! May God pour His showers of Love on your and your family today!

footnote: God wants to pour His Spirit on us like the rain from the clouds - Pour on us LORD!
CHRIST brings us the rain of HIS SPIRIT when we dry out and cannot see His face any longer.
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for those who have lost loved ones in recent natural disasters
CORRECTION - yesterday's verse had a major mistake - one key word was missing -
Not was left out - sorry I missed that - God bless you - and Live in God's Word!
Isaiah 50:7
For the Lord God will help me: therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have set my face as flint, and I know I shall be NOT ashamed!
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
Send in yours today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 6/3/08 -
Once Jesus Brings You Water- you will never thirst again......


The Daily Blueprint / Monday / 6-2-08

Help Is Near

Isaiah 50:7
For the Lord God will help me: therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have set my face as flint, and I know I shall not be ashamed!

Lets face it - this world is a tough place to live- it seems like everything is in Chaos and it all seems totally out of control - sometimes it seems like God has just walked away and is no longer taking our prayer requests - but that just could not be so - for HIS is an Awesome God! He can do all things - nothing is too hard for our Lord! We all need help from time to time and we cannot live this life apart from Christ -for its from His Spirit that we live the life -its not about keeping some set of rules - or doing more good then bad so God would accept you - Help is near - God is only a prayer away - many times we try and solve our problems - do the best we can - but in the end its much better to fully surrender to Christ and allow Him to help you with whatever you may be facing - God is there and God cares - the world around us seems to be falling apart - the truth is it is - sin has a price - it has a toll on us here and now - anyone caught in sin has lost all hope - they cannot seem to get out of their sin - only God can bring them out - that's why we all need HIM always - without Him- life would be meaningless -although many have made the choice to leave Jesus and never look back -its so very sad when you see a faithful person walk away from the faith - if they had just called on the name of JESUS then things would have been much different - lets remember that help is near - God has a plan and He wants to see it come to pass -let God use you today!

footnote: Need Help? Call on JESUS - no charge per minute - all of His grace rolls over to us - Jesus never hangs up on you -and He is always available -thank you for calling! God blesses you!
CHRIST is all we need!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
I had a wonderful time helping rebuild in Perlington, Mississippi two weeks ago
This is about 30 miles Northeast of New Orleans and recieved severe damange from Hurricane Katrina 3 years ago- for more info on how you can help
Livin in Prayer will move to Sunday this week in conjunction with Compassion Sunday -
I will rerun last years devotional - please send in your prayer needs & praises!
Early Reports are that Two Children have recieved sponcers! Praise the LORD most HIGH! GOD IS SOOO GOOD! Amen! Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
Send in yours today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 6/2/08 -
We were not made to live this life apart from God!
We need HIM -His help is always close by! Amen!


the daily blueprint for Saturday 5-31-08

Try & Hide

ISAIAH 29:15
Woe to them who seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord. And their works are in the dark, and they, Who sees us? And who knows us?

There is much truth to today's verse- somewhere in the New Testament there is a verse that says what is done in the darkness will one day see the light - we all fall short of God's glory - and the best way to see this is to hold our lives up to the Light and see where the shadows fall -we are not to compare ourselves to others but instead to God - by this measurement we all fall so very short and we cannot make up the lost ground - enter Jesus Christ- He came to take our place - to take those deeds we have done and cast them as far as the East is from the West - its His blood - its His sacrifice that makes us right with God the Father- that's it - with that in mind -we need to know that we all are in the same boat - all caught under sin - all susceptible to falling into sin at any time - we all can fall into temptation - this is scary - but its the truth -we are all capable of sin - all of us - no one who is born is able to live sin free - only JESUS could - we must depend on HIS grace to see us through -not our needs - the evil around us will one day end - and those who try and hide from God will be found out - believe me - God sees all and knows all - no deed will go on without His knowledge -what a thought! God sees the beginning and the end - He knows all and no one can hide anything from Him - He is in total control! So just go try and hide - and you will be found out -
That's how awesome our GOD is! He knows you - know HIM today!

footnote: Whatever we do -say - think - GOD already knows about it!
CHRIST brought Life out of death & put sin to death
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
I had a wonderful time helping rebuild in Perlington, Mississippi last weekend -
This is about 30 miles Northeast of New Orleans and recieved severe damange from Hurricane Katrina 3 years ago- for more info on how you can help
Livin in Prayer will move to Sunday this week in conjunction with Compassion Sunday -
I will rerun last years devotional - please send in your prayer needs & praises!
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
Send in yours today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/31/08 -